Mar 03, 2021
To pursue any career in life such as solopreneurship, you need two investments: mental and physical energy. Without them, you will lack the willpower to do anything. The lack of mental energy will prevent you from creating good plans and the lack of physical energy will prevent you from executing those plans.
Boosting your energy requires you to adopt some lifestyle changes. That includes living a healthy and active lifestyle and finding inner peace through mindfulness. Keep on reading to discover tips for giving your mind and body more power to do more.
Having less or more than 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night will make you feel drained when you wake up. Aim to sleep early by unplugging yourself from devices an hour or two before 10 pm. That way, you’ll start your morning in a more relaxed manner and you’ll get to enjoy the morning sun.
Meals that have eggs, fatty fish, fruits, meat, or starchy foods such as brown rice and sweet potato are good energy boosters. Aim to eat based on how much your body needs. Eating too much will cause your stomach to expand and push other organs making you feel tired.
Caffeinated and carbonated beverages do make you more alert and provide more energy. However, they can also cause a bad energy crash once they’re spent by your system. Not to mention you’ll become too dependent on it to the point you can’t do anything without a drink. The same goes for alcohol. Drink plain old water instead.
Every day, we’re exposed to stimuli that would cause us to feel a variety of negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, guilt, and sadness. These emotions can drain your mental energy and you can’t avoid them. However, you can be more mindful of yourself and reduce the way your emotions influence your living.
This is done by stopping everything you’re doing and assessing what’s going on in your head without judgment every time you feel a negative emotion. This way, you can find inner peace and move on quickly which boosts your mental power.
Working out every day trains your body to become more active by increasing your metabolism. When you have a high metabolism, your body burns more calories giving your mind and body energy to do more.
Positive surroundings stimulate your brain to release serotonin - the happy hormone. Healthy levels of serotonin keep you happy and energetic. Take time to watch comedy, spend time with those you love, do the things you love, or be in places that bring joy to your life.
Better yet, be in the company of happy and energetic people. Learn their secrets and apply them to your life.
We all love the idea of spending the entire day sitting on the couch, watching TV, and eating alone. However, it should be done as a reward for being productive and made into a lifestyle. There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable.
Just make sure to stand up, socialize, and sweat regularly. A sedentary lifestyle trains your body to burn less energy. That’s why couch potatoes immediately feel exhausted after a short physical activity.
Similar to negative emotions, thinking or imagining about the past and future can also drain your mental energy. As much as possible, focus on getting the current tasks done. Forget about the past, worry about the future when you’re free or when it comes. Being grateful for what you presently have is also good.
In a nutshell, giving yourself more mental and physical energy is about keeping your life simple. That means decluttering your mind from unnecessary thoughts and emotions. On the physical side, you need to stay active, nourish your body with energy-boosting foods, and control your intake of caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic beverages.
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