Apr 19, 2019
So you hired people to help you run your business. One thing you should anticipate is the possibility of them not being engaged sometimes. Your employees might hit a plateau -- just like you.
How do you make sure that they stay motivated? Motivated employees are happy, and happiness creates growth and success. Here are eight simple and meaningful ways to boost their motivation.
Acknowledge the work they do for the company. Recognition is free after all. It can be as simple as sending an email or a voice recording to express your thoughts.
Make your employees feel that they’re more than just names on a payroll. Encourage them to brainstorm ideas and consider implementing them. This leads to higher level teamwork, creativity, and increased trust.
If there’s one thing that millennial employees want the most, it’s work-life balance. While you’re not responsible for making sure that they achieve work-life balance, you can help them by allowing a flexible work schedule and setting expectations about avoiding work on weekends.
The problem with many business owners is that they see transparency as a weakness. People want leaders whom they can relate to. Give them access to information such as company processes and results. Ask questions. Involve them in decision-making.
Employees get motivated when they have a purpose. Make them feel that they’re working towards something that will impact the business. Offer training. Let them know that soon, you’re opening a position that requires their expertise and with that, introduce the idea of a raise.
Demonstrate respect, gratitude, and trust, and your employees will do the same to their co-workers. You can share a positive quote, send the team a message about the things you’re grateful for, and offer positive reinforcement.
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We’ll never hear employees being appreciative of micromanagement. As humans, we want to be in control and feel trusted. Set expectations for the team and let them work on their own. Focus on outcomes rather than stringent rules.
Your physical workplace has an impact on your employees’ mood and productivity. You might want to consider revamping your office space in a way that makes them feel at home and more comfortable working. Add colorful desk accessories. Frame cool wall prints! Invest in a couch and coffee table.
You can see that boosting employee motivation doesn’t have to be hard at all. Satisfaction can be maintained with these eight free or cost-effective tips. A less motivated workplace puts your business in a risky position. What are your thoughts on this? Got more ideas? Share them in the comments section.