Oct 10, 2018
Are your never-ending duties as a solopreneur making you anxious? Thoughts of mistakes, things you should have done, and future plans, keep you awake at night or even stop you from being where you should be - the present.
Experts say that we have 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. Trying to figure out even 10 thoughts is overwhelming! To get rid of these “unstoppable” thoughts, first, you need to embrace this truth: You cannot control everything and neither can you change what’s already happened so far in business!
Today, let’s explore ten simple and proven tactics that will calm your mind. Pick one or a few tips from the list below:
The idea of this game is to focus your mind on your surroundings. Take a deep breath, look around you, and count things that have similar qualities. For example, count all objects that are round.
Decide on a phrase that you will repeat to yourself when uncontrollable thoughts start popping. This mantra could be a simple “OM” which is the sound of the universe, or a reassuring phrase like “I am worthy of good things.”
Take out annoying thoughts from your mind and transfer them on paper. You will immediately feel calmer. Writing them down also allows you to examine your life and find solutions.
Writer and speaker Heather Reinhardt brings here awareness to her breaths. She inhales deeply and in her mind, says the word “IN.” Then she exhales deeply and in her mind, says the word “OUT.”
Whether it’s staring at the early morning sky, afternoon sky or night sky, this technique allows you to realize how vast the world is and how little you are. As you gaze up, let all your anxieties fade away.
Physical activity is a powerful way to instantly improve your attention. The longer you exercise, the harder your brain works to resist distractions. Spend fifteen minutes for running in place, taking a brisk walk outside, biking, or even playing with your pet.
No matter how stressed your mind is, calming music brings peace to your soul. Try harp music, instrumental guitar, or piano. Play relaxing music as you wake up in the morning until you finish work. Notice your focus improve.
Lavender is a natural way to help you relax. Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on a handkerchief and inhale it. Here’s an added tip: As you inhale, close your eyes and think of the beautiful lavender fields of Provence. Imagine yourself playing in the fields and lightly touching the flowers.
Hugging yourself to stop racing thoughts doesn’t only bring your body to the present moment, but it also makes you feel good. Hug yourself. At the same time, close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
On a piece of paper, write the first word that comes to your mind. Next, use the first letter of that word to give birth to other words. For example, if your main word is “skate,” baby words could be “slate,” “sky,” “sketch,” and “slow.”
Use any of these ten hacks to reduce brain clutter. That way, you can dedicate your mental energies to things that really matter in your life and solopreneur business. Say goodbye to racing thoughts.